equestria1 - April 10, 2011 to April 28, 2011. The original world, made with no real direction, with the purpose of just gathering people. I knew few bronies from my TF2 server, so it was just 6 of us trying to get things going. We had a Ponyville, Filidelphia and Sweet Apple Acres. I posted on reddit and EqD to get things going. We were known as back then. was not until June. equestria2 - April 28, 2011 to August 7, 2011. After taking a poll among the 15 whole people that played here regarding creative vs survival, creative won so we started over. This was the world with the pony mover. equestria3 - July 31, 2011 to May 12, 2012. We started over based on a custom heightmap, and when the main towns were laid out, we opened it up. equestria4 - May 7, 2012 to Nov 1, 2014. Started over again with terrain made with WorldPainter. equestria5 - Sept 1, 2014 to Present canterlot - Feb 18, 2012 to August 12, 2013. Our first Canterlot world. We made it its own world so we could scale it up. canterlotmaze - Feb 18, 2012 to August 12, 2013. The hedge maze from the show, put in its own world to make it really big. canterlot2 - June 22, 2013 to Present. This time, much more canon. plains - Feb 12, 2012 to Present. Freebuild world for Builder rank only. poster - March 3, 2013 to Nov 7, 2014 Equestria based on the "official" but so different from the show we can't call it canon. But its still fun to build it, so why not. Terrain made with WorldPainter. range1 - June 23, 2011 to July 11, 2011. I thought, lets have a freebuild world for non-MLP things. It was mostly garbage so I had to put it out of our misery. range2 - Sept 6, 2011 to March 17, 2012 Based on Minecraft 1.7 terrain. This time it worked well, and people actually took pride in what they made. Total success. range3-dead - Sept 18, 2011 to Sept 22, 2011 Not available for download since it was too confusing to explain why there are 2 range3's. I turned it off when I learned 1.0 was going to add a new terrain generator, so I shut it down. I later reused the name since this world was so short lived. One of the Fallout Equestria vaults ended up getting started here. range3 - Dec 6, 2011 to July 4, 2012. Normal terrain on 1.0. range4 - March 3, 2012 to March 29, 2013 flat map this time range5 - May 19, 2012 to March 29, 2013 flat map again, but only freebuilder rank can build. range6 - March 9, 2013 to Nov 6, 2014. Freebuild, normal terrain on 1.4 range7 - March 26, 2013 to Nov 6, 2014. Freebuild, flat terrain. range8 - December 8, 2013 to February 08, 2016. Freebuild, flat terrain range9 - November 6, 2014 to present. Freebuild, amped terrain range10 - February 07, 2016 to present. Freebuild, flat terrain moon - May 25, 2011 to Feb 28, 2014. This was our jail world to send bad players. Later on we just opened it for normal travel, Luna was sad with all the tourists. moon2 - Feb 11, 2014 to May 31, 2015. Started the moon over. cloudsdale - Aug 2, 2011 to Jan 4, 2013. I got the idea of putting it in its own world from Renamed to Sky Haven on May 8, 2012, but it will still be called "cloudsdale" in the backups. Then we finally killed it on Jan 4, 2013. cloudsdale2 - May 5, 2012 to present This time it should resemble the show. ponyspawn - August 29, 2011 to March 20, 2013. I wanted a world to put new people, to give them a nice show and impress them. All it had was the 3d pony models. It was redesigned on Dec 3, 2011 without renaming the world. ponyspawn2 - March 30, 2013 to present Training world and showcast, made by Tsarbomb. chaos - Sept 25, 2011 to May 31, 2015. Made this shortly after the first episodes of Season 2. fallouteq - Oct 21, 2011 to Mar 24, 2013 Based on equestria3, in the Fallout Equestria universe. fallouteq4 - Mar 24, 2013 to present. Based on equestria4, in the Fallout Equestria universe. maneland - Dec 19, 2011 to October 14, 2012. I wanted a compromise between freebuild, but only for the approved builders. It evolved into a structured world, but for non-canon MLP related projects. crystal - Dec 22, 2011 to Sept 12, 2014. The Crystal Kingdom, as seen in S03E01 The Crystal Empire.